Colonial Park Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization
Duties and Election of the Executive Board
Executive Board officers serve a two-year term and are eligible for re-election. All Executive Board officers are expected to make a good-faith effort to attend every scheduled PTO meeting.
Duties of the President or Co-Presidents
Abby Shaw and Christina Turolski
The duties of the President or Co-Presidents shall be to notice, present an agenda for, and preside over all meetings of the PTO and the Executive Board, to appoint the Chairs or Co-Chairs of all PTO committees, to monitor and coordinate the work of the committees, to sit as a member ex officio of any or all committees; to attend the United Council meetings, to interface with the Colonial Park Elementary School Site Council, to understand and maintain the requirements for tax-exempt status, and to lead and direct the work of the PTO in carrying out its mission.
Estimated hours per week: 2-10/hrs per week, depending on time of yearDuties of the Treasurer
susan Palmacci
The duties of the Treasurer shall be to be responsible for the proper disbursement of all monies entrusted to the PTO in the manner set forth in Article IX, to be responsible for the safekeeping, recordkeeping and accounting of funds raised by and through the PTO, including making a written statement of all accounts at each regularly scheduled meeting and to assist with outside audits as directed by the Co-Presidents. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the complete and timely filing of all federal and state tax and non-profit filings, as well as reports to the MA Division of Public Charities and reports to the Secretary of State. Bi-annually, with consent by the Board of Directors, the treasurer may consult with a Certified Public Accountant to be sure the list of required filings is complete and accurate. At present, the required filings are an Annual Report to Office of the Secretary of State, due November 1 each year, Form PC to the MA Division of Public Charities, due November 15 each year, and Form 990-N to the IRS if gross income meets requirements, otherwise Form 990-EZ, due November 15.
Estimated hours per week – 1-4/hrs per week, depending on time of yearDuties of the Secretary
Elizabeth benbow
The duties and responsibilities of the Secretary shall be to prepare, and maintain the minutes of all the regularly scheduled PTO meetings. Prior to each regularly scheduled meeting, the Secretary shall distribute or publicly post the minutes of the previous meeting. The Secretary shall also perform such other duties ordinarily relating to the functions of secretary, as the Co-Presidents shall assign.
Estimated hours per week: 1-4/hrs per week
We delegate!
The PTO board cannot function without a team of volunteers. Our school community has a wealth of engaged parents, all of whom have the education of all the students at Colonial Park at heart. If you want to get involved, please get in touch! We always need more help! (Check out our open positions below!)
Box Tops for Education (One Volunteer) Elizabeth Benbow
Coordinator is responsible for collecting and mailing Boxtops twice a year for redemption, distributing information to families about the program and communicating the amount brought in.
Book Fair Coordinators (Two Volunteers) Karine Dalton
Our school partners with Fantastic Book Fairs (The Book Oasis) twice a year for book fairs. This position involves coordinating with Fantastic Book Fairs, setting up the fair in the school library, organizing staffing and volunteers to help classes with purchases during the fair, break down the fair.
Grant Writer (One Volunteer) OPEN
Important source of funding for enrichments, buses, etc.
Website Administrator (One Volunteer) Elizabeth Benbow
Maintain Colonial Park PTO website and event calendar.
Sunshine Committee (One or more volunteers) Tiffany Dennen
This position helps brighten people’s day around the school, be it small gifts for students (e.g Valentine’s) or coffee treats for teachers etc.
Room Parent Coordinator (One Volunteer) Linsey George
This person communicates with room parents and teachers to ensure smooth transfer of information.
Open Positions
Classroom or School-wide Enrichment Coordinator (One Volunteer) Organize enrichments for each classroom or school-wide.
PR Coordinator (One Volunteer) Take photos of school events, share stories with local newspapers etc.
Community Outreach Coordinator (One Volunteer) Our school likes to give back to our community. Initiatives include Coats for Kids drive, spirit days (collecting donations for local non-profits such as Helping Our Troops), walk-to-school days…
Restaurant Partnerships (One Volunteer) Organize fundraisers with local restaurants
Early-Release Day Event Coordinator (One Volunteer) Organize fun events/fundraisers for early-release days
Event Committees (formed close to events)
Halloween Party Committee
Pasta Night
Ice Cream Social
Can’t commit that much time? There are plenty more opportunities to volunteer!
Goldie’s Group
Use this SignUp link to join our Goldie’s Group email list. Periodically we will send out an email highlighting opportunities for helping out with events or teachers’ special projects. A CORI is required when volunteering on school property. See Mrs Faughnan in the office for forms.
Event Volunteers
Throughout the year, the PTO organizes events that need parent volunteers in order to be successful. We will be sending out SignUp Genius links for events like:
Halloween Party, Pasta Night and the Ice Cream Social
Field Day volunteers
Food and drink donations for Teacher Appreciation Week
National Reading Month (help with crafts in the library)
Open to suggestions! For example, parents are encouraged to bring fundraising ideas forward for consideration at PTO meetings. If approved, you are invited to spearhead the initiative (e.g. ordering sandwich bags, personalized gear, etc)
Remember, if you plan to volunteer in the school you must complete a CORI form in the school office first.
Room Parents
Room parents serve as a vital liaison between families, teachers, and the PTO. Duties vary depending on a teacher’s needs but generally involve helping families communicate with their teacher, helping facilitate classroom activities/crafts if desired, helping to coordinate donations if a classroom is short of supplies, etc.